What is a personal and business coach?

I often wish I could say "I'm a solicitor… teacher… biochemist". So self-explanatory. By contrast, it can seem complicated explaining what a personal and business coach does - so, let me explain. Actually it is simple! Coaching lies somewhere between therapy and what is rather grandly called business consultancy. The former may seem a daunting and perhaps long-term prospect; the latter might suggest calling in one of the 'Big 4'. At CLE Consulting & Training, we deal with all areas of personal and professional life. We support, encourage and motivate people to overcome both everyday and unexpected problems and, most importantly, to do what they already do, or might prefer to do, more efficiently, effectively and enthusiastically.

Coaching is particularly successful in a hectic and work-driven town like Cambridge where growth and change impact Universities and companies alike. It helps private individuals, workers, teams and organisations to recognise symptoms of stress, deal with frictions and, in a fast, adult way, tackle them and adopt better coping mechanisms. We promote pro-activity and confident decision-making in our clients. The results swiftly speak for themselves: better work and interpersonal relationships, increased profitability, happier and healthier individuals and organisations.
Needless to say, coaching is completely confidential!




We would like to thank you for your practical advice and sensitive support which was much needed and hugely appreciated by both of us. Thank goodness we found you and managed as civilised a separation as possible we are so grateful, both for ourselves and for our children.

Take the first step...

Overcome indecision and confusion by giving me a ring.

A free half-hour phone call helps to start the proactive process, support and move things forward for you, your relationship or your work.

Tel: 01223 355148

Email caroline@cleconsulting.co.uk
Or fill out our web form